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  • John Rabasa

Watch this space!

A few weeks ago, at the Facilitation Lab Summit in Austin Texas, I learned of this incredible Japanese aesthetic term: Ma 間 A way to describe it, is imagine a bowl, perhaps it is ornamented, perhaps it is simple. It has decorative value, but an important part of its beauty is the functional value, the space inside the bowl. This is Ma, the negative space of possibilities.

Japanese Ink drawing of a bowl

I've been facilitating in the technology and innovation space for over 20 years as part of my role as a user experience designer, a product manager and a digital strategist. But in the last few years I've been drawn more into the art and science of facilitation, and I believe it comes from the joy of being able to hold that space for groups to co-create, decide and accomplish their objectives; and for individuals to be seen and heard. As I've been pursuing a meaningful focus for my life, this term, Ma 間, resonated with me profoundly.

And yes, some of you have detected the prime rule of improv: Yes And! While my practice is not exclusively improv, and if you work with me you may not even notice, I believe in the creative and innovative opportunities that come from saying "yes, and." It is what builds from the questions of "what if?" and "how might we?" And I also believe in the values found in improv: listening, being present, taking care of the scene and your scene partner, being able to make mistakes and adapt, and importantly, having fun.

So now I find myself embarking into a new future in this space of possibilities, this space for creativity and innovation, this space for yes and!

John Rabasa

March 2024


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